Hm. I wonder if Wikipedia carries as much weight as Congressional hearings.
Well, the Congressional hearings were not worth anything in scientific terms. They were an entirely directed political enterprise.
As for Michael Mann undoubtedly has enemies, but that's hardly news - he is an charismatic, abrasive and up-front kind of character who is prepared to speak out in public, which is unusual for a working scientist and inconvenient for those who would try to shout down the scientific work with threats and lies.
But this is, of course, besides the point - the travesty of your posts is that you try to reduce the huge and diverse range of scientific work by thousands of researchers to allegations about the practices of one researcher (and then by association, and by association only, to others). This is simply
ad hominem argumentation. It is logically flawed and invalid, not to mention being a deliberate attempt to mislead others.