Well, I used to cycle about a lot up and down the pavement in the grey, little town that I used to live in back in the Midlands as a nipper in the 80s. That and rollerblading were ways to be alone and free at the same time through my own pedal power. I can't remember the bikes I had, just that my favourite one was an orange mountain bike, graduated up to a shimano geared mountain bike when I was a bit older and then eventually stopped riding in my teens and for a strange unknown reason, took to public transport and the rubbish network of buses.
Moved down to London for Uni and never thought to cycle as a student but then had dreams of buying a little folding bike to take me on the overground trains to work as travel costs got higher and higher in the capital. When I left Uni and started working, the closest train station was probably about a mile away. Bought this little clunky red bike (Dylan) from
Ebay and that was the start of commuting. Eventually, moved and needed a bike that was better going up hills, got my first Specialized Hybrid. Changed jobs which gave me a substantial commute, about 8 miles one way and I got my first carbon road bike courtesy of the Cycle to Work Scheme. That was the start of a couple of years of hardcore cycling and training, living, eating and dreaming for a TT/triathlon as a team that didn't materialise due to illness unfortunately.
Riding has been a bit on and off for me since then as life stuff or health has got in the way but hoping to pick up the reigns again properly when it's possible.
Oh yes, and if anyone tries to tell you that you can save money through commuting on bike instead of public transport...it's all lies! You end up acquiring more bikes/components and clothing/kit. You know it makes sense!