Hiroshima Twinkie followed by Hawkmen Dive at Lancaster Castle on Friday evening. (both local bands)
Du Gomide (indie pop from Brazil) followed by the amazing Uptown Monotones (acoustic beatbox funk from Austria), then J and the 9s (poppy punk from New York) and Tia Brazda (swing from Toronto) at Lancaster Castle on Saturday afternoon/evening.
The amazing Uptown Monotones again at the Gregson Centre, Lancaster on Saturday night.
Yes... there's a music festival going on, and with 46 venues and one pair of ears, it's not easy deciding who to see and who to miss.
Off to see EZXP this afternoon, a local band who play video game music, sounds interesting. Then (after a couple of hours at work) festival favourites for the last few years, The Lumberjack Cowboy Heartbreak Trucking Company tonight. Got the whole day off tomorrow and the last day of the festival... no idea where I'll be or who I'll see.