What film did you watch last night?

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Escape to Athena

The Christmas war time season is upon us, a silly but entertaining romp with Roger Moore playing a 'good' Nazi, Telly Savalas as the local resistence fighter and David Niven basically having a free holiday. It's no classic but better than some I've seen, plus the motorcycle chase in it is rated as one of the best put on film.

Ps the title is nonsense, they are already on Athena, no need to escape to it lol.


Legendary Member
The Substance
Demi Moore trying to find the elixir of eternal youth...started well I thought the first half of the film had potential.But went downhill for me.To surreal and gory in the end.
For the 5/6 th time...daughter is home for Xmas and hadn't seen it.Any excuse for another viewing,fast cars,great soundtrack and Ryan Gosling what's not to like 😁


North Shields
Red One - 7/10

Don't quite get the negative reviews for this, I thought it was good fun. Doesn't do anything new but it's very rare that Christmas films do.


Senior Member
The Kingdom (2007). Good film. Well cast, well acted, good script, good story. On Freeview recently (so probably available on whichever channel it was "replay").



Fast and the Furious 10. Might watch some of the others. Very silly but good action movie.
Might also re-watch Deadpool vs Wolverine as there are so many easter eggs in there...


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Close Encounters (now)
Die Hard (Christmas Movie end of discussion)
Red One - good fun
Home Alone
New Wallace and Gromit tomorrow

Then new Squid Games Boxing Day

The New Star Wars series is good too


Legendary Member
Thank you to those who recommended Red One.
I was in the mood for a 'take your brain out of gear and enjoy with a few beers' movie last night and this fitted the bill perfectly.
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