Taken 3 - (under duress) and i'll never get those two hours back. 5/10
I will never understand the appeal of the Taken franchise.
I only saw the first one recently and thought it was average at best. When I saw the second had gone down to a 15 I had my suspicions and the kids rating for the latest confirmed them. Same with The Expendables. And Die Hard's new ones.
I don't think 'modern' action films are for me really, now that I've realised they're just in it for the money. Sure, the olden dayes ones were too, but at least they made an effort to entertain I think, but studios now seem to think that some explosions and a half naked woman can plaster over the cracks of a plot that makes no sense, knowing that teenage boys will still pay to see it.
Look at the difference between Raiders of the Lost Ark and Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Raiders is believable and that's why it works so very well. Kingdom loses you as soon as Indy survives a nuclear blast in a fridge: a normal bomb I could accept, but a nuclear one? No. I'm not having that.
Perhaps I'm finally losing my naivety. At 29. It's all downhill from here, innit?