Well I’m dill-lighted to find the details. Bit like an iceberg with most details hidden under the surface.
It’s not a full expression that annoys me, rather an incomplete one-
My step daughter will say “shall we go beach?”
As opposed to
“Shall we go to the beach?”
In her defence it might be a Devon/Plymouth thing as my ex in-laws used to say the same thing.
It’s nails down the blackboard!
A mere dill-ettante, you're not taking this seriously, and will end up in a pickle if you carry on.
I don’t want to embarrass myself, get egg on my face, and blush like beetroot
OK, enough I admit defeat. I am beet-en, a has-bean.
England is Britain! If you don't believe me then why is it the only one of the four nations that plays the British national anthem as its national anthem. Hah! Case proven!!
Some peeps need to take a chill pill....
Some peeps need to take a chill pill....