Armchair Cyclist
Is that something to do with making dodgy rubber goods like Chuffys shortsKirstie said:vulcanologist

Is that something to do with making dodgy rubber goods like Chuffys shortsKirstie said:vulcanologist
Got that!longers said:I'd like a workshop of my own and I'd faff about with bits of wood and stuff.
Melvil said:Ditto. Have written a novel but never showed it to anyone...it's gathering dust on a shelf.
cyclenic said:Paramedic
meenaghman said:Doctor. It was one of my regrets not pushing myself and getting the necessary points at school. more than capable. I'm pretty certain I'd have the personality disorder to become a consultant or surgeon.
NickM said:Manual labourer and general helper-out in Delftse Post's brewery. At a modest wage, but with all the beer I want to drink and use of a works velomobile.
As long as he brews superior beer!
Delftse Post said:...finally got my hands on a bottle of Westvleteren 12 last week; a very superior beer indeed!
Young Un said:Motorsport engineering involved with either a high end race series (eg F1) or in the wrc(fast rally cars.)
justAl said:A female pubic hair stylist or tree surgeon
Kirstie said:I know people who do this. A mate worked for mitsubishi ralliart for several years as a mechanic, after working on fast jets in the RAF, also as a mechanic. It involved low pay, long hours and long stints away from home. On the plus side he got to see some amazing coutnries. He now has his own business building and servicing race car engines of all kinds as he's a bit of a mechanical genius, and absolutely loves it.