Andy in Germany
- Location
- Rottenburg am Neckar
We need to de normalise the car being the default choice for journeys less than 5 miles.
Someone thought up a way to achieve this in our village, which has a minor but heavily used road through the middle and several parallel residential streets. They figured that if the residential streets were made into one way systems it would force traffic onto the main road; in the short term this would cause congestion but due to the law of induced demand this would in theory lead to through traffic avoiding the village.
At the same time, drivers who wanted to "Just go to the shops" would find themselves driving a much longer sircular route, where walking or cycling they'd be able to cut straight through to where they needed to go.
Because of local industry and schools the system was designed so fire trucks going to the school and industrial area would be following the one way system via the shortest route.
Unfortunately our local authority at the time thought it was the 1970's; we knew it wasn't going to happen when the "town planner" turned up in a very large US pickup truck...