If I may make a non cycling suggestion, contrary to what you asked but these days when I go into a coffee shop and request a coffee, they ask me what type and I say "er regular coffee with milk" and they ask "an American?"
Like when TH did a regular coffee become an americano?
Around the same time that...thankfully...filter coffee stopped being the only choice.
If all you want is filter coffee, why are you in a coffee shop...your local indian restaurant can swill a cup of that stuff up for you in a jiffy.
Spin that thought around, if you went into a bike SHOP and all they sold was parts for a 1980 Rayleigh grifter, would you consider that to be a good shop.
Btw, what you really want to order is a white Americano (Americano is black coffee) and make sure they heat the milk and serve it in a separate container.
If it helps, for a couple of years unused to order a milky cappuccino from my local. Every time the barrista would repeat"latte", to which I would sigh and just say the order louder.
I had no idea what a latte was