Satnav sounds like me, sweatband on and glowing like a bleacher beacon.
I set a fan up to help, It,s more effective head on but I hate cycling into a head wind !.
Nazerath - haven,t listened to them for ages - good choice.
1hour season , 1000cals 40miles. - takes about an hour to cool down and stop sweating afterwards.
and the joke is theres absolutely no way I can do this on my bike on the road.
40mph I whish !!!! sorry my stupid exercise bike is in kilometers I,m always getting court out by that as my bike speedos are in miles
jesus I would really have to have a rocket up me bum to do 40mph.
its 40k is 25miles -which is a bit more like it.
i can,t do that round my way its to damned hilly - maybe on the downhill bits but my routes all seam to be up.
Fact is I have a very nice heated workshop/garage/training room with surround sound fitted, I also have some fine music that the family have banned me from playing indoors, try Bellowhead, Jethro Tull, very loud Stones, and the list goes on and on.
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