What do you eat??

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Can't spell, Can't Punctuate....Sue Me
At the moment, food goes like this.
Up at 6.45 cup of coffee and cycle to work
Breakfast at my desk while listening to music, generous bowl of Alpen and sugar and milk
Lunch is left over from previous evenings meal, so yesterday was pie and mash.
5 pm another bowl of Alpen with sugar and milk
Home for dinner, pork steak and chips !
Plus about 20 cups of tea.

Strangely I am not loosing any weight
how far is the commute mile each way :whistle:


Rainbows aren't just for world champions
Northern Ireland
At the moment, food goes like this.
Up at 6.45 cup of coffee and cycle to work
Breakfast at my desk while listening to music, generous bowl of Alpen and sugar and milk
Lunch is left over from previous evenings meal, so yesterday was pie and mash.
5 pm another bowl of Alpen with sugar and milk
Home for dinner, pork steak and chips !
Plus about 20 cups of tea.

Strangely I am not loosing any weight
You aren't eating enough.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
20-30 miles a day. Some days can be a 10 mile trip during the day to other sites.

Cereal and tea in the morning before setting off.
Fresh coffee on arrival (mmmm)
2 bananas 2 apples throughout morning
Sandwices at lunch
Maybe a packet of crisps or a choc bar in after noon
Evening meal about 6


What your body needs is going to be different for you...I learned that some years ago. A nutritionist told me I tend towards low blood sugar and should be eating "low GI" stuff and little and often rather than 2 big meals in a day.
.it's gotten better since I started taking that advice. but If I skip breakfast I get shaky hands, go dizzy, fall over if I stand up too quick...So I always have a good breakfast. Either porridge with fruit, nuts, seeds, flax oil and soya milk; or steam-fried veg with tofu-based veggie sausages. I don't have a regular routine so there's no 'commute' but I cover anything from pottering around the locale (5 miles ish) to crossing the city (10-20-ish).
I find that stuff like white bread stops me from feeling hungry for all of ten minutes...I was advised to steer clear of it anyway as it converts to sugar in the body really fast leading to a peak and a trough soon after. Each to their own though. One of my friends has coffee for breakfast, a baguette for lunch, and a massive evening meal. That'd do me in but he seem to go just fine on it and he commutes to work by bike too.
I don't commute either but at the moment due to training, I'm out four to five times a week, covering normally between 200-250 miles per week.

In the morning I have muesli cereal with Goji berries and Omega-3 seed sprinkle, normally with soya milk but sometimes rice, almond or oat milk. I take chlorophyll in water and normally have a tea or coffee.

Lunchtime, I normally have bread and cheese, or sometimes tinned fish on toast.

Evening meal, is usually on a ride day, roasted vegetables or anti-pasti with pasta and fried fish or steak.

In terms of supplements - the chlorophyll mentioned, 6ml daily of Neal's Yard Damiana and Wolfberry tincture during periods of training and Acai berry with juiced lime and spring water as an evening 'pint'.

In terms of the ride itself, pre-ride the breakfast above if starting out first thing. If it's an evening ride, and I know that some people won't dig this, I eat when I get back and have some malt loaf or something before I leave. Occasionally I have a shot of Beetroot but it's very expensive stuff, or at least the concentrated shots are!

I use Zipvit zv7c Caffeine Gels and Torq powder for drink mixture on the go, averaging 40 miles per gel.

For recovery I have two level scoops of natural whey protein, a spoonful of Spirulina mixed with rice milk, and then eat within the hour.
On the way to my evening crit tonight I drank a Tesco's apple, blackcurrant and beetroot shot, a couple of Brace's Welsh cakes, a banana and about 650ml of grape flavour Nuun.

On the way back, I had a Frij vanilla milkshake (limited edition, apparently, although I wished I'd bought the chocolate one), a packet of crisps (Walker's cheese n onion) and a couple more welsh cakes. Pretty good recovery food, I reckon. I think some of you lot are taking this nutrition stuff a bit seriously... ;)
My new commute is 14 miles each way (400-500 feet climbing each way). For what it's worth I eat a light breakfast about an hour before I leave then a snack (cereal bar) after I've had a shower. So far I've tried weetabix + banana, unsweetened alpen + banana or scrambled eggs and they've all been ok ish but I often lack energy over the last mile or 2 and I'm starving on arrival. However the best thing I've found is a pack of belvita "breakfast biscuits" and a yoghurt! I know they sound like a complete gimmick but I thought I'd try them as I'm always running late. The 3 mornings I've eaten them before my ride I've felt good, all the way to work and I haven't even wanted my snack . . . so maybe there is something behind the marketing after all . ... or maybe not, but I'm going to pick up another box while they're on special offer!

As I'm dieting I don't really fuel my ride home, although because I often don't leave until 8pm I've taken to having dinner at work an hour or 2 before I leave. I basically aim for 1500 - 1800 calories per day, made up of healthy balanced stuff, including carbs! ^_^


Internet Marketing bod
I got a bit obsessed with my diet (see thread elsewhere), I still don't eat 'bad' foods, but then I never have.

Now I eat what the hell I want and have more energy and feel better in myself.

I'm never going to shift my gut, and my wife seems to fancy me, so I'm just going to enjoy life :smile:


Active Member
Ashford, Kent
I don't think I really have anything to add to this thread but I have a question.

My commute is ten miles in and anything I like on the way back, but in the mornings I have recently started to not have food before I start as I had heard that your body will use up the stored energy, i.e fat, so I have been eating after, when I get to work. Strangely I haven't been feeling hungry through the morning where as before, when I would have food before the ride I would be hungry by 10am. When is the best time to eat in the mornings?


In between here and there
Cup of tea before. Large latte and three toast once in. Lots of fresh lemon juice with iced water, eat a dinner at home. 16.5 miles each way 500ft climbing


Active Member
25 miles round trip. Cereal before I leave, with milk. Coffee at work (X8 throughout the day), sandwiches at lunch, whatever we have for dinner when I get in.
In other words, exactly what I had when I used to drive to work.


In between here and there
Instinct tells me this sounds a little bit hokey, I'll cheerfully be proved wrong though.
The body stores and replenishes energy\Glycogen effectively 1500ish calories it is the secondary energy source coming after consumption, when people carb load before a big ride\run they are trying to add to this. When consumed energy, and Glycogen storage have been depleted the body will switch over to trying to convert Fat, this is a very toughtransition known as bonking/hitting the wall fat is the energy of last resort. My other understanding is that in emergency the body prefers to burn muscle as it is much easier than fat. No medical knowledge though just through reading a bit on it.

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