What do you drink?

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Legendary Member
Robinsons fruit and barley for me as well, flavour depending on what Sainsbury's have on offer


Active Member
No need to buy expensive sports drinks. Fruit squash - the sugared variety - plus a tiny pinch of salt is as good as/better than a sports drink such as lucozade for hot/intense training and will save you lots of money long term (and lots of plastic bottles, so it's better for the environment too).
Some people find fruit squash easier to swallow than plain water whilst exercising, but it's personal preference.


Flim Flormally
I keep misreading the title of this thread as: "Why do you drink", and it's making me feel guilty and a bit grubby.

short rides: nothing
long rides: 50/50 orange juice/water plus a pinch of salt and a pinch of sugar.
Short rides - water
Long rides - water with a little salt
Touring - 3L Camelbak with a powdered something or other, plus same as long rides

After the ride back home, I like to have a cold glass or two of chocolate milk for 'the recovery.'


Well-Known Member
SiS sports mix - I sweat a lot so like the salts and other electrolytes^_^. Also take a plain water on longer rides and swap between the two.


If you're going to take a sports drink for longer rides you could benefit (imho) from having a bidon of plain water too. Some sports drinks can get a bit much after a while (both on the stomach and in the mouth) and you could find yourself not wanting any more. Plain water is all you'll want - both as a drink and to refresh the mouth & ease the stomach.


If you're going to take a sports drink for longer rides you could benefit (imho) from having a bidon of plain water too. Some sports drinks can get a bit much after a while (both on the stomach and in the mouth) and you could find yourself not wanting any more. Plain water is all you'll want - both as a drink and to refresh the mouth & ease the stomach.

Sounds like good advice to me. You can get rehydration sachets from a chemists shop. I am guessing that they might be as effective as many sports drinks?
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