what do you do with meat and two veg on a long ride

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New Member
Mr Pig said:
My pecker often goes numb after a while. It's like your arm going numb and feels really horrible as the blood rushes back into it! :0(

Oh, I dunno;)

I was on a horse at a camp about a year ago. Not the first time I've been on one but the last that's for sure. When the stupid things start jogging, or whatever you call it, it's like getting kicked in the nuts twice a second!

You women don't know how good you've got it sometimes ;0)

I think they do;)

Mr Phoebus

New Member
gbspark said:
what do you do with meat and 2 veg on a long ride, i'm doing 45 miles next week palace to palace, and they get in the way a bit, ????

When the first frosts come along soon, you'll be wondering where they've gone to. :smile:


New Member
Nothings seems as important as setting the saddle right but I find the most comfortable option is to wear as little as poss. I prefer no pads and a loose fit pair of shorts on my Brooks. When i put on the bib with a pad I adjust the saddle to compensate a tiny little bit.
leaving things loose allows me to strap percy down the full length of the seatpost:ohmy::biggrin:


Started young, and still going.
If the saddle is in the correct position for you, you should have no problem. A decent pair of cycling shorts will help to keep everything in place as well.


User259iroloboy said:
I'm of the mickle school of thought, just reach in and hoick them, make sure no ones looking though.:ohmy::blush:

I thought the Mickle guide was to wipe them down with a rag and then re-lubricate?;)


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Mr Pig said:
I was on a horse at a camp about a year ago. Not the first time I've been on one but the last that's for sure. When the stupid things start jogging, or whatever you call it, it's like getting kicked in the nuts twice a second!

You women don't know how good you've got it sometimes ;0)

Trotting, and obviously, it's less of an issue once you've learned to rise on the trot like you should. But you don't seriouslythink we girls also have comfort issues if we get it wrong? (same applies to bike saddles)

Mr Pig

New Member
Arch said:
But you don't seriously think we girls also have comfort issues if we get it wrong?

Maybe you do, but not as bad.

Fling it in a wheelbarrow, strap it to the seatpost, yeah ,yeah! ;0) Guess I should be thankful that my penis is very small :0)


back and brave
I can honestly say that I've never had a problem. Once positioned comfortably in situ (heading north) and with bibs to hold everything there, I find all is well. My Assos Mille bibs are cut for the bike so can makes things a little uncomfortable when standing around but that's honestly the only time I can say I have an issue.


Started young, and still going.
Fnaar said:
I keep mine in a wheelbarrow that's strapped to the side of my bike.;)

Wouldn't that be like having a fully loaded pannier on one side of the bike? Surely you balance would be affected:ohmy:
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