Normal 'wet'..i just paper towel it down or use compressed air in the workshop.
Seriously wet, like when you've cycled through a downpour with no mudguards....this is what can happen (twice to me this year)..
Didnt even realise it
. The bike actually fell over while i was working around it (it stays in the workshop at work with me). Muttered to myself at my carelessness, picked it up a few minutes later and notticed all the water on the floor. It seemed to collect in the cassette area, you could see it dripping continuously. Now i always lay the bike cassette down if ive cycled in serious water.
Also, upturn the bike...i had a ride once in a downpour, upturned the bike after (for another reason) and couldnt believe the water in the seat tube. Suppose it gets down the seatpost.