What do you do when it's wet out?

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black belt lounge lizard
It was raining when I left home this morning at 0830 & it rained on me continuously to a greater or lesser degree from midday to 1630 hrs.
I wore sandals,sealskinz socks,lightweight windproof overshoes,bib shorts,leg warmers,sleevless vest with windproof front,short sleeve jersey,arm warmers,Montane windproof lightweight jacket. I alternated between sealskinz waterproof gloves & cycling mitts.
I had a waxed Barber baseball cap below my helmet.

Deleted member 1258

Commuting is all weather, if I've got to go to work I'll cycle. Club/leisure rides I'll bail out and go back to bed if its raining or the snow and ice is too bad, they're not essential rides so no point in going out.


Wiltshire, UK
I have to admit to being a bit of a wuss when it comes to riding in inclement weather! A slight breeze or hint of rain in the air and I don't go out. Perhaps I should man up a bit, invest in a decent waterproof jacket and get my ass out there!!


Active member of Helmets Are Sh*t Lobby
No such thing as wrong weather, rather wrong clothing. Saying that I don't do ice


Fast and careful!
riding out in the rain is ok as long as you can get dry at the end,but i got drenched on my morning commute thats fine ,put my top layer in the tumble drier at work, paper in shoes so mid afternoon had a warm top half but had to put wet shorts back on as they are drip dry only,its hell till you get going ,poor Mr Mickey hibernated for half an hour till it was warmer to come back out:blush:


Well-Known Member
Wind, rain, hail - I commute on my wet weather bike but ice or snow and I jump on my fixie for maximum control (well, as much as is possible in snow and ice) but the 'training' rides do tend to take a back seat in bad weather, I can't take the good bike out in the rain she'll get cold.
Wear whatever you feel is apropriate, on a commute in the rain I'm fully waterproofed - gore tex jacket and trousers and waterproof overshoes.


Oaf on a Bike
In "summer" I dont go out when its raining, but i carry a waterproof jacket incase it does. In winter i wear a jacket most of the time so i dont really mind if it rains.

I used to hate wind, but its good for getting a helping hand on strava :biggrin:


Well-Known Member
Please excuse my ignorance if this sounds stupid...but I plan on getting a turbo trainer for the Winter. Can't see me going out much then.


No choice here. If I have work then I have to cycle since I have no other forms of transport other than walking / running which I do ocassionally.

If its light rain or just wet roads then I don't normally change from bib shorts maybe wear a long sleeve top. If its heavy then full waterproofs, high vis waterproof gloves, over shoes and bag cover as well. Personally I like a bit of spray since it keeps me cool and I swear it makes me faster...


As long as I'm not cold then I change nothing, rain this morning on the commute and i just put a light rain jacket on and casual shorts. Keep thinking i should invest in overshoes though for when it's nippy.

As others have said I hate strong winds but will ride in anything else


Never let the rain put me off. Rain just above freezing is the worst, waterproof stuff never is, and hands get frozen. Never bother with rain proof jackets, just let the layers work like a wetsuit ;-)

2 hours in the pouring rain this morning. A complete turn around from yesterday wonderful summers evening ride.


Can't spell, Can't Punctuate....Sue Me
Turbo trainer in the wet for me - want my cycling to be fun and riding in the rain is not fun for me.

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Hell, as i post it's starting to rain, and i was planning on going on a ride.:sad:
I just get wet, i've given up on trying to keep dry, that's ok if i'm doing a ride then going home for a shower afterwards, but if i was cycling to work or a social event then i'd hate to spend hours trying to dry off.
Do any of you wear those old fashioned cycling capes? I saw one on Friday afternoon when it was lashing it down, the rider looked the only one in his group who looked reasonably comfortable. It was also flourescent yellow so no excuse for not seeing him. I reckon they're not very breathable but being sweaty is slightly better than being wet, cold, and losing the will to cycle isn't it?
On a side note..All the cyclists in the group were wearing flourescent jackets, yet the one at the rear was head to toe in black. He was very hard to see, and that's from me a fellow cyclist who looks out for others on the road. How will anti cyclist pig ignorant motorists see him i shudder to think! Don't give the b..t...s an excuse to mow you down , then claim to the police or in court that "I couldn't see him, my vision was impaired(fiddling with mobile phone, or radio, or applying make up etc). He was hard to see blah blah!!
That bloke should've been in the middle of the group, not vunerable at the back!!:ohmy:

Deleted member 1258

Hell, as i post it's starting to rain, and i was planning on going on a ride.:sad:
I just get wet, i've given up on trying to keep dry, that's ok if i'm doing a ride then going home for a shower afterwards, but if i was cycling to work or a social event then i'd hate to spend hours trying to dry off.
Do any of you wear those old fashioned cycling capes? I saw one on Friday afternoon when it was lashing it down, the rider looked the only one in his group who looked reasonably comfortable. It was also flourescent yellow so no excuse for not seeing him. I reckon they're not very breathable but being sweaty is slightly better than being wet, cold, and losing the will to cycle isn't it?
On a side note..All the cyclists in the group were wearing flourescent jackets, yet the one at the rear was head to toe in black. He was very hard to see, and that's from me a fellow cyclist who looks out for others on the road. How will anti cyclist pig ignorant motorists see him i shudder to think! Don't give the b..t...s an excuse to mow you down , then claim to the police or in court that "I couldn't see him, my vision was impaired(fiddling with mobile phone, or radio, or applying make up etc). He was hard to see blah blah!!
That bloke should've been in the middle of the group, not vunerable at the back!!:ohmy:

I have an old fashioned cape, I keep it in my work bag and use it if it rains heavily on the way home. I have a light rain jacket as well, I put that in my back pocket when I'm out at the weekend.


I hung about half the day today, hoping it would dry up. Mid-afternoon there was a dry spell and I decided to go for it. Long sleeve jersey, no jacket. I got less than a mile up the hill when it started chucking it down, and I was soaked. I considered bailing, but decided to keep going. It got better, the showers were obviously very localised. I'd pass a soaking section of road with standing water, and then hit a dry surface, with even a few patches of sunshine. I got home, slightly tired at battling the wind, but pretty pleased with myself.

It's called summer folks, and we just need to make the best of it!
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