what do people think of jumping lights???

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Active Member
As a car driver for thirty years, I have on occasion jumped a red light. This has been at one particular fully visible crossroads at 4 am in the morning in the summer, when I am off fishing and I know from experience I will be sat there for five minutes giving way to traffic I can see doesn't exist.

In a car I wouldn't do it any other time but my own moral code makes the above ok.

On my bike I will occasionally jump a light on a left hand turn if I can quite clearly see the road is clear. I wouldn't dream of doing it in any other circumstances.

I wouldn't ever just move into traffic without looking just because lights are on green - what you see is whats there, and you have to make decisions at every junction you are at whether driving or peddling and whether there are lights or not.

I also went into pubs before I was eighteen and started buying fags when I was eleven. I also once stole a gnome.



Well-Known Member
Use your common sense, if theres no traffic about do it, if your going too fast and nearly there use your judgement as to weather you can get
across.But on the whole its safer to stop everytime so not to take risks.No risks equal safe all the time. well....


Several of the lights round my way don't detect me on a bike, even if I waves my arms about desperately. As there is usually a flow of traffic from other directions, I end up stuck there like a prat. And have to shuffle off to a pavement to make my dash for it.

One of my pet hates! Why can't they sort it out.




Never jump lights intentionally, obviously when they change and it is unsafe / not realistic to stop in time. When I see other people jump lights I will shout at them because it puts themselves at risk and me because it has a negative impact on car drivers. I also witness cyclists jumping lights at ridiculous spots and almost getting wiped out and trying to take the moral high ground.

Personally makes me quite angry...


Resting in suspended Animation
...whats the general consensus?....i jumped a red the other day mainly cos i know the route well and its a safe move if you know it....someone shouted something and it pissed me off!

There isn't really a consensus, it's something people argue about endlessly. I think some people particularly in London would like there to be a consensus, but the reality is there are areas where you see virtually no RLJing and others where it does go on and causes a lot of controversy.

If you were to take all views into account the 'consensus' would probably be along the lines of what I say on the matter "I'd really rather you didn't" in terms of what different groups could agree on. I'm not really bothered whether other people agree with me or not though. If you went on some of the arguments that go on in commuting, not agreeing with me would probably be a badge of honour :laugh: .


Man or Moose!
When I read the question, I was already forming a preliminary opinion that you are probably bit of a dumb dumb. I was hoping that the rest of your post would allow me to return to a relatively pleasant state of mind with regards to this thread and you, but when I got past the initial question and got to the bit where you state that you became "pissed off" that someone remarked at you, for being a nobber and jumping a red, then my opinion was massively reinforced.

Seriously....... deploy some common sense!


Whether you think it's safe or not if someone sees you it just gives them ammunition to use against us all. Drivers attitudes towards cyclists is bad enough without giving them something more to bleat about. As such I would only and do occasionally do it when there is absolutely no one to see me. I just can't bear the sanctimonious, smug comments that drivers come out with about it so don't want to encourage it.


Über Member
...whats the general consensus?....i jumped a red the other day mainly cos i know the route well and its a safe move if you know it....someone shouted something and it pissed me off!

Unfortunately, you're the moron here. It's red for a reason - I know all the light sequences on my commute but I don't jump the lights because it's illegal.

They can shout things at you - if you have broken the law (and you have) you can expect it as well and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it. You can legally jump them if they're faulty - but if they aren't they you have to wait. Honestly, it's risking killing yourself worth saving 30 seconds? What if somebody else sees their side is on green and blasts through? You wouldn't stand a chance if you were hit side on at aynthing more than about 30mph.

I know I come across as a bit of a dick here but it is one of my proper pet peeves. Hate people who think because they're on a bike the law doesn't apply to them.
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