Hi again cyclenic
With regards to trousers or tights - it depends how cold, how far and how self-conscious.
Trousers are usually more normal-looking obviously but may not be as warm (although people complain about sweating buckets in water-proof trousers. Never wear them myself

) as tights, especially the so-called 'roubaix' tights which are stretchy, fairly windproof, lycra fabric with a warm fleecy inner layer. For a longish distance in cold weather, I'd definitely go for tights and hang the comments/non-admiring glances I might get. But I admit to wearing Gore Bike Wear (pricey stuff but it lasts forever as it's really well made) trousers or 3/4 length trousers for making short trips to the shops as I'm no longer a svelte 25 year old and I wish to spare peoples' sensibilities.
Cycling trousers often have a removable inner short or liner with the padding so you can choose whether or not to use it. Tights (or bib-tights) come in both padded and unpadded versions so you can decide to use cyle shorts or not with the latter.
A sort of compromise is looser Ron Hill-type trousers over cycling shorts. I used to do this when I commuted, especially in Autumn as a cold morning might be followed by a milder afternoon return ride so the combination was more flexible. Nowadays I work from home and only ride for pleasure (apart from shopping trips

) so I favour tights, both full length and 3/4 length which again are nice for Autumn but probably not enough for real winter (assuming we get some this year).
Price-wise, I'd tend to spend as much as you can on quality tights or trousers. Gore, Pearl Izumi, Endura, Sugoi and several other quality makes do women-specific gear which is definitely better than blokes unless you're the shape of a bloke. Check out the
http://www.minx-girl.com/ and
http://www.girlsruntoo.co.uk websites to have a look at some nice gear then see if
Wiggle and other big bike sites have better prices.