Arrr, i knew a girl who had avast behind, certainly shivered my timber :oops:
mikeitup Veteran Location Walsall 19 Sep 2007 #17 No one has mentioned seaman stains yet Im off for a jolly roger.
OP OP papercorn2000 Senior Member 20 Sep 2007 #18 Yar shipmates, 'twas a fine day for sure! Avast and Yo ho ho 'til next time!
mondobongo Über Member 20 Sep 2007 #19 Hoist the Jolly Roger set asail for the Spanish Maine we'll be aback when a year has passed.
OP OP papercorn2000 Senior Member 20 Sep 2007 #20 No doubt our holds will be full of Spanish Doubloons an' Pieces of Eight! I think that this has gone far enough now as I am running out of Piratey thing to say.
No doubt our holds will be full of Spanish Doubloons an' Pieces of Eight! I think that this has gone far enough now as I am running out of Piratey thing to say.