What crap jobs have you done?

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New Member
Many years ago, I worked in the local motorway services for 3 years. We used to throw bacon across the room at each other, then put it in trays for the morning staff to cook. We would also see what happened to metal things in microwaves and everything else in the deep fat friars. We would lock people in the walk in fridges and set fire to the industrial toaster, just when the chef was really busy.

I miss those days.


New Member
fuzzy29 said:
We would also see what happened to...everything else in the deep fat friars.

Strewth, it's truly shocking what goes on in the average monastery.:blush:


Comrade Member
Limoges or York
..reminds me I also worked for a domestic appliance factory (no, it wasn't in China) where it wasn't unusual for staff to have mock battles using the packaged smaller items as ammunition before loading them into the lorries taking them to the shops.
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