What goes around comes around - compilers are back in fashion. You'll see a lot of technologies with 'cli' knocking around, or 'command line interface'. You're right about VS Code, it's a hyper-code-aware text editor with pluggable bits for almost anything, often hooking into the clis. Despite the name, its a very different beast to Visual Studio.Yes I downloaded Visual Studio the other day and wanted to find a project to use as a learning curve.
I come from the days of text editors and compilers, and then Delphi 4 and Visual Basic in the MS Office suite. So with Visual Studio it just seems a case of finding what GUI elements will do stuff on autopilot (resizing and placement) and what I've got to do with donkey work in code (responses to redraw or button events and such). I'm writing for Windows 7, Server 2008 R2 and 10. It's all familiar and equally unfamiliar!
Just looking at Visual Studio Code. Looks like Notepad++ on steroids! I think I'll be downloading that soon
Enjoy your coding. It can be rewarding and frustrating all at once. I'm ready to frisbee my laptop out of the window today (Angular again - hate it soooooooo much) , but another day I'll feel like I've sorted world peace.