Doing a PhD made me all but stop reading books for pleasure but it was kind of a new years resolution so I've got a few non-academic books by my bedside now:
A Wizard of Earthsea - Ursula Le Guin - A concise fantasy novel that
doesn't use Tolkien as the template. Le Guin does that clever thing you sometimes find in Sci-Fi where an improbable story tells you something rather profound about our current society. Apparently it is intended for kids but I thought it was quite adult and a fairly serious piece of literature. There is a distinctly un-Harry-Potter-ish Japanese film/anime called
Tales from Earthsea from later on in the Earthsea series.
Counterknowledge - Damian Thompson - All about the rise of conspiracy theories, quack medicine and dodgy science. If you like Ben Goldacre's
Bad Science website/column you'll like this. Oddly Thompson doesn't do the full Dawkins and exempts religion from his critique except where it clashes with science (so the creationists still cop it