Kill Them All by John Niven, the sequel to his astonishing debut novel Kill Your Friends
The first book was a tour de force, the story of a shockingly amoral, sex addicted, violent, drug binging, booze drenched sociopath rampaging through the record industry as an A+R man in the late 90’s. Quite possibly the most non-pc thing I’ve encountered, horrible and hilarious in equal measure, made even more entertaining by it being based on the author’s experience as, er, an A+R man in the late 90’s. Brilliant. Couldn’t put it down, highly recommended.
I’ll report back on the sequel, written 15 years after his debut, The A+R man has cimbed to the top of the greasy pole, cleaned up his act regarding drugs, booze but not sex. His moral compass still haywire. Enjoying it so far, but needs some violent deaths. Maybe they’ll come later!