What Bike? Hybrid or Road Bike?

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New Member
Hi, I have just signed up to this forum to ask for some advice on buying a bike. My car insurance has just rocketed so I have decided to ditch the car and buy a bike.

The main things I will use the bike for is cycling to college which involves a train journey. The ride will probably be around 3 miles in total on the road with some hills.

Initially I wanted a road bike with the drop handlebars because they seem really light and quite small so I could easily get the bike on the train. After speaking to someone in a bike shop, they said a hybrid bike would be better as the road bike would break easily and often. The hybrid bikes however seem heavier and bigger with wider handlebars.

Can anyone give me a bit more advice on what to get?

If I got a road bike I could swap the tyres for slightly bigger ones make it more durable?

I am looking to pay around £200 but that is fairly flexible. I would prefer to buy a second hand bike to aswell rather than a brand new one. Can anyone reccomend some decent bikes within this price range?

Thanks in advance for your help!


Legendary Member
When are you travelling on the train and where? Have you checked that you are allowed to take the bike on the train at the times you will be using them - often in the rush hour only folding bikes are allowed

It's nonsense that the road bike will break more often, depends where you'll be going on it and how using it? However, a bike with wider tyres may be more comfortable and better in rubbish weather. You'll want mudgaurds if using all year round

Unless you can get a second hand bargain, no £200 bike will be that light (although it depends on your definition of light)


Well-Known Member
A hybrid would do the job fine. However, so would a road bike and the break easily and often advice is nonsense IMO if you're riding on the road (just ensure decent tyres to minimise pumctures). Worth thinking about whether you will want to progress to some longer rides for fitness/enjoyment aside from your commuting. Either way sit on and try a few. Plus don't ignore what will inspire you to get out of bed and on the bike. For me that's a road bike that I use for commuting and longer weekend rides.


Well-Known Member
How long is the train journey, would it be practical to cycle the whole way?

Either way i recommend ridgeback bikes for hybrids either the flight or rapide range you should be able to get one second hand in your price range, try gumtree
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