Banging !
I used to love jungle end of DnB, but this is more my kind of thing
Ta - Photek certainly seems to have gravitated towards a more techie and asian-influenced bent in his latter years; which certainly isn't a bad thing.

I'll always associate him with this absolutely brutal epic tbh:
.. although granted it's not typical of his work and I do like a lot of his other stuff.. just as I like most genres of dnb/ music in general

Apologies if this track has been posted before recently. A masterpiece imho. Don't know what you guys think ???
Absolutely love Radiohead; one of those ensembles that seems to transcend music and speak directly to the soul. Have seen Thom about in town quite a few times; he always seems jaded, introvert and avoidant (probably legitimately so). My old housemate when I was a student once sold him some batteries, and in more recent times I purchased a trendy sourdough loaf from the same place as he'd recently patronised...

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