Which you still appear to be evading. Supposing, just for a second, that you fail in your responsibility to look after yourself. Does that mean that I am no longer responsible if I hurt or endanger you?
No, But there can be mitigating circumstances to any incident. We have a duty of care to all other road users, but must also take responsibility of our own safety. Hopefully, riding your bike, you are aware of the risks enough to take action should another road user make a mistake, and hopefully when you're in a car, you're aware enough of a pedestrian/cyclist/motorcyclist that you can avoid killing them when they make a mistake.
As, the world is not perfect, mistakes will be made, by acknowledging that safety is the responsibility of ALL and not the responsibility of the largest vehicle then, hopefully 1 of the 2 involved are able to avoid the incident regardless of blame, the problem happens when both parties blindly continue, and then the blame game begins.
To reverse your argument, suppose that a pedestrian steps off a curb as you turn into a junction and you hit them, by your argument, that should be your (the cyclist) fault since you have the responsibility to the more vulnerable to keep safe.
Safety is the responsibility of everybody.