What am I doing wrong?

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Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.

I could have, but you said that a million people might think that it's Bull and I went with bollocks!

It wasn't meant to offend and if it did I sincerely apologise.


Banned member
South West
Thanks for the great replies, Going to change 2 things! first of I went out at got some gel padded fingerless gloves what are a but more of a loose fit.
Now the biggie, I originally moved the seat forward thinking that would make me sit more up right and take the weight of my hands. I will move the saddle an inch back and try it out. Been working on core strength at my local gym too
Is there any way of knowing or finding out what length of stem to use before I just start buying?

moving the seat forward was probably a big mistake and a common one with 'beginners'. Get the seat back and you'll probably be fine. Don't grip the bars tight unless it's a fast bumpy descent, and if you are heavy (what is your weight?) make sure the bars are not too low


I'll try and answer some of the questions but first what is a 'cyclechattist'?
I like the idea of moving a little at a time and trying, but my time is short as I've entered a 60 mile charity ride on Sunday, it'll be
my longest trip yet, so I'm a little nervous of changing too much before the ride.

What happens if you ride mainly on your right hand ? Also did you get the problem before you switched to drops.
I haven't tried to ride any distance one handed, as around here your either going up or down, my previous bike a Trek hybrid was more comfy and my hands didn't go numb

You say you get it in the left hand only, so it suggests some imbalance or difference in the way you use your right and left sides.
Are you sure the saddle is absolutely straight on the bike? the same for the handlebar angle - is it absolutely at 90 degrees to the wheel, and are the bars centred correctly?
Are the levers in exactly the same position on both sides?
Visually everything looks straight and both brake hoods look the same height

Don't grip the bars tight unless it's a fast bumpy descent, and if you are heavy (what is your weight?) make sure the bars are not too low
I weigh in at 82 kgs now, how would I know if the handle bar height is adjustable?

Thanks Fab Foodie for the video.

So the problem has arisen with the new bike, so as the previous members have said it seems to point to your riding position or the set-up of the bike. What I meant by riding one handed was to occasionally rest your hand which is giving you the problem and so allow blood flow to return.
I discovered that a handling problem on my bike was due to the stem being too long. Ian H rule of thumb tip seems to work.

Good Luck with the charity ride.


Hmm, tricky question ... :whistle:

If I had to guess, I would suggest that it is one of the people who 'chat' on CycleChat! :okay:

Oops :blush::giggle:
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