Well, thats nothing. I was riding around inside the milk man's trouser vegetables. It was a 10 speed drop barred job too (the bike that is, not the milk mans scrotum).I was riding around in my mums womb ( before I was born, not recently, I’m not some sort of deviant), the ultrasound was hilarious, apparently.
...nor forward by the sound of itI had a 3 wheel trike when i was about 2-21/2 most kids did in the 60s
About 4 when my sister pushed me off on two wheels which ended with me going straight into a sycamore tree.. Outside our house.
Never looked back
Lovely post.....nice to read...nor forward by the sound of it
Me, tricyle at two years old and bike at four (my late Dad was a racing cyclist, and taught myself and my younger sister nice and early......some 51 years later I still thank him everyday for introducing me to the brilliant world of cycling...may the wind always be at your back Dad).