My hens & cats ignore each other, apart from Francis, who is *fascinated* ever since Anode turned her then bald bum in Francis's face and popped an egg out inches from Francis's nose...

But no hassle between them. Mind you, my girlies are in an enclosed run, so no need to clip their wings or worry about predators.
I feed The Laydeez on mainly layers' mash mixed with cut corn, sunflower seeds, linseed, millet & grit. They also get treats of lettuce, sweetcorn and
grapes. Also unlimited access to water and layers' pellets. The layers' mash or pellets are a 'complete' food, so technically they need nothing else. BUT, it's also what they were given when in the battery system, and I think they much prefer the tastier stuff they get added in these days. They are verey easy to look after: absolutely no hassle. And they are great fun.