Hmm, democracy ... I spoke to Carrie and she could make Sunday, but only if Kevin gives her a lift then, but he isn't answering HIS phone so we don't know!
I decided in the end that there is no way to do this in a way that is guaranteed to please everybody so I will be a benevolent dictator- muhaha!
The weather looks better for Sunday so let's ride on Sunday instead! Otherwise, same arrangement - meet at Spring Wood at 09:45, start ride at 10:00.
I will change the thread title, and the first post to reflect this decision.
My pals Carrie, Kevin, Julie and Bill know about the change of day.
Will the following RSVP ASAP to confirm that you know about the new date!
- @MontyVeda - if you are planning to nip down from Lancaster to see us - make it SUNDAY! We will probably arrive at Glasson Dock at around 13:00. If you want to ride towards us, it should be fairly easy to work out our route, or I can give you more details if you need them
- @Globalti - SUNDAY! We don't like the forecast for Saturday, so meet us on Sunday instead if you, your lad and your pal are free then.
- @skudupnorth - will the gymnastics be finished in time for a SUNDAY ride with us?

- Anyone else who fancies it - come on down!