Well after many attempts at bullying me into going down to the doctors, I managed to convince them that I did really need them to come out to me again, this reduced me to tears because I am just not up to it at the moment.
Thankfully when my GP arrived she remembered the staircase I have to negotiate, something I have not tried to do yet, and when I reminded her of the left side paralysis I have (I am not officially disabled in any way and can usually get by, it is just when my right leg has issues that there are major problems) she was much more sympathetic and helpful.
It does not look like it is sciatica. She thinks it is probably a slipped disc, and tbh I have no idea on what the implications of this are but my pain meds have been increased, the gabapentin is being increased from 300mg to 600mg three times a day (I think - I will have to check on the packet). the codeine stays for daytime use and I am being prescribed oramorph (not sure on the spelling) for night time use every 4 hours as needed. Paracetamol to continue, but to come off the diazepam. An urgent MRI (something about a red flag MRI) and physio (also red flag) and to be done at home is also being arranged. I still can't cope with any vertical pressure on my spine, or lie on my side (either of them, but one side is much worse than the other). Sitting is impossible - well I have managed to get from 30 seconds to around 2-3 minutes before I am in agony - standing with support is slightly easier on the pain side, it is just balance that is the major issue until the pain kicks in...
So I lie here and wait. I have an alarm that goes off every hour to remind me to get up and do some stretches and generally move around. I actually seem more mobile lying on my back that when I am standing, moving is easier and less painful, so some of the exercises are done lying down. I know they want me up and about, but the stairs are lethal at the best of times and now is not the best of times. plus other than the floor, there is nowhere downstairs for me to lie!
My Spanish seems to be coming along in between the sleepy periods caused by the meds - my typing and grammar I will apologise for now

I have simply given up fighting that battle with my dyslexia and we wait and see. (Hopefully I have selected the correct versions of suggestions from the spell checker!

). Oh and if I randomly disappear, we have high winds at the moment, electricity is coming and going and my landline internet is down yet again! such is life.
I'm trying hard to remain positive, but it is difficult.