Progress is very slow.
I've taken a few more falls which haven't helped matters much. My oh has caught me twice in the last 4 days alone, which whilst useful does not do much for my confidence, but neither does falling.
The latest fall was yesterday. Totally stupid. I was sitting on the edge of the bed rubbing/massaging my back after having just some one of my sitting up exercises (I can still only manage 12 mins 30 seconds at a time) when he brought up a tray with our evening meal on it. He knelt on the bed right next to me to place the tray down to the side where it would normally go, but this meant kneeling on the bed on the same side as the side I have lost all the strength from and I couldn't brace myself to stop myself falling off the bed as the mattress went down with his weight. There is just nothing there in the way of control in my leg or side and next thing I'm on the floor having landed on my bad side. It will take several days to settle down again fully after each fall. The problem is that it is so stupid that it reduces me to tears just because of how pathetic it is. My knees and shins are a network of multicoloured bruises and my 92 year old grandfather is more mobile than I am!
I'm still recording my physio walks on strava, just for motivation more than anything else. I have only failed to get out twice a day one which was on Saturday. I'm still measuring distance in hours per kilometre rather than kilometres per hour and living from one 2 hour alarm reminder to the next for the pain meds. Not ideal but it really is the only way I'm getting by at the moment.
I'm also now back to the 10-11 hours a day at home alone routine now my oh has returned to work, so back to continuing to live in my bed... I will happily trade places with anyone who wants to moan about going back to work after the hols... Any offers? Nah, didn't think so...
Oh and there is now a bird feeder attached to the roof window in my bedroom. The highlight of the day is watching the birds work out the angle to grab the sunflower seeds at! Visitors so far are blue tits, great tits, coal tits, robins, a female blackbird and a nuthatch. The roof is too steep for squirrels luckily.
I see my consultant again in a little over 2 weeks. I can't see that there will have been much more improvement and currently we are not even sure that we will be able to get me there without still needing a private ambulance with a stretcher. If I sound a little down, I guess it is because I am.