Maybe she needs a micro-soft window in her back, so the medics can see what is going on …

, though I hope they have a better operating system in their theatres !
now that is just seriously bad! (for puns)
she did say that from her point of view me being skinny and all that was a blessing and made her life much easier! She almost does not need to cut into me! on the good side of things, the disc has repaired itself/healed and of what I remember from the MRI, the disc and the stuff being removed were not attached to each other anymore, which is why the disc does not need replacement. The stuff pressing on the nerve roots is what is causing the issues, so it is a relatively straight forward procedure for her, just not for the anaesthetist! fingers crossed on getting back the strength and sensations, and
Must be really difficult keeping your spirits up
yes it is hard. there has been some crying. I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared. the op doesn't really concern me too much, I know that my asthma is under control really well at the moment, and the tracheomalacia is OK... the other conditions are all under control and stable. What scares me is not getting more use of the leg back. It can't support me at all, and I need crutches all the time - I have a bad left wrist which had 11 ops on it to repair, so crutches are not ideal. I am also slightly paralysed down my left side, and my left leg has a habit of not holding me, so this scares me big time. If it doesn't recover and the damage is permanent, then even driving is going to need the car modifying etc. I don't know how we would be able to continue to live where we are, which we both love. It is hard. I have been keeping myself occupied as best as I can. It is the only way of dealing with it tbh. The implications for future are just too profound for me to really absorb, but given that I have been like this now for +3 weeks I sort of have the hang of them and know what to expect if there is no improvement. I guess that is the only upside. it won't get worse than it is now, (Unless something goes massively wrong with the op that is.)
However, after last night (plus an episode at the weekend where I pretty much caved in), my husband has handed me a BUPA card which has a helpline advice number on it where I can speak to a qualified nurse about any concerns I have - they are there just to talk to, unrelated to the current issues if you follow.