Well... looks like it's Obama then

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Aperitif said:
I just hope the The Reverend Jesse Jackson doesn't surface on the back of this...

He was on radio 4 this morning interviewed at the victory party. He was apparently waving a big US flag and reported 'crying uncontrollably'. He said it was because he was remembering all the people who died in the civil rights movement.

Fair play.


US flag, surely? Small typo?


Smutmaster General
Auntie Helen said:
Here's something that's been puzzling me. Why does the US have a whole lot of 'African-Americans' where as we don't have any 'African-Brits' here in the UK, we just have Brits?
well... we do have Afro-Caribbeans....


nothing in moderation
swee said:


Trudeau - right on the money! As per.


Legendary Member
I'm so excited about it. I do think he's been hyped to the point where he'll never be able to satisfy people but it does feel like a real breath of fresh air and I was really moved to see the number of people voting yesterday. If only our lacklustre politicians could inspire people to get their arses into the queue for the voting booths!

Half joking but half seriously, I think David Palmer in 24 has a lot to do with preparing the USA for a black president!!! The power of TV?


Senior Member
Ipswich, Suffolk
i'm getting bored already of people going on about how black the dude is... come on! who cares for feck sake.

why cant they have a news flash:
"america elects it's first moderately cool, good looking and charismatic president"
"america makes history by electing the first relatively normal president"

However, it remains to be seen how he deals with very poor economic conditions at home, wars abroad and climate change etc. He is also in hock to the rich backers of his election campaign and they will come knocking at his door sooner or later.

What is different about Obama is that he raised the enormous sums of money for his campaign on a grass roots level. His average campaign contribution was just $80.
He is not beholding to any special interest group, AFAIK.


Cathryn said:
If only our lacklustre politicians could inspire people to get their arses into the queue for the voting booths!

Mmmm, didn't Blair do this when he came to power? :biggrin:
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