Well ladies, which would you prefer?

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New Member
Aperitif said:
It's called 'formbycation' :smile:

Cycling Naturalist
Arch said:
Not to be confused with a rather dull boyfriend when I was younger, who got on with it while I tried to be interested and wished I could get a better view of the telly....

He: "I love it when you wrap your legs round me like that."
She: "It's the only way I can change channels on the telly using my toes."


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
ColinJ said:
Well, I'd rather have a woman keep herself entertained by playing a small musical instrument behind my back, than peering over my shoulder to watch a repeat of Sex in the City! :smile:

Behind your back? That's an even stranger image. I'm having trouble working that one out, to be honest....

Blimey, my ukulele practice is going to be all over the place this evening...


Puzzle game procrastinator!
While we're on the subject...

How are we poor fellas supposed to tell the difference between:

(1) "Oh, no - don't stop!"


(2) "Oh, no! Don't! Stop!!!!!!!"

We need to know!

rich p

ridiculous old lush
ColinJ said:
While we're on the subject...

How are we poor fellas supposed to tell the difference between:

(1) "Oh, no - don't stop!"


(2) "Oh, no! Don't! Stop!!!!!!!"

We need to know!

When you've been married as long as I have it's more like, " Oh no, don't start":angry:


Fat bloke on a bike
First time I gave my kids Venison, I told them it was Bambi.

They're used to me making stuff up, so they just got on and ate it.

Then asked me again what it was when they'd finished eating. :smile:

They still eat it though.
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