weird feeling after upgrading my fork

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Loch side.
im just back from another test ride and i either have really big placebo effect or the bike gains speed alot easier while cruising went to the morrisons for food and been going back with about 5.6-6kg in my backpack.

Placebo effect. It is easy to calculate the increase in acceleration for the stated loss in weight. Your old fork weighed 1180 grams, the new one 400 grams. The reduction is 780g.

For the bike before the upgrade and you and your bike's mass estimated at 90kgs, it would have been F(b for before) = 90kg x A to accelerate it at a given rate A.
For the bike after the upgrade and you and your bike's mass together it is now F(a for after) = 89.22kg x A to accelerate it at the same rate as above.

The acceleration cancels out so the force required before is 90 and after is 89.22. The force required to accelerate you on the old bike is 0.86% more than now with the new fork.

Conclusion: Delusion.


What does "more responsive" mean and how do we measure such a beast?

no idea how you measure it..less weight is easier to move so it will respond to less effort..makingit feel more responsive..
ie half a barrow load of stone goes up a plank easier than a full one..But you will need to make more trips to move the stone...
If you get a younger person to push the will feel less tired and more responsive to the wife when she gets in..

im losing this one


mr poopmechanic
Placebo effect. It is easy to calculate the increase in acceleration for the stated loss in weight. Your old fork weighed 1180 grams, the new one 400 grams. The reduction is 780g.

For the bike before the upgrade and you and your bike's mass estimated at 90kgs, it would have been F(b for before) = 90kg x A to accelerate it at a given rate A.
For the bike after the upgrade and you and your bike's mass together it is now F(a for after) = 89.22kg x A to accelerate it at the same rate as above.

The acceleration cancels out so the force required before is 90 and after is 89.22. The force required to accelerate you on the old bike is 0.86% more than now with the new fork.

Conclusion: Delusion.

thanks for the detailed info but i felt it while i wasnt pedaling so it was a passive gain :smile: anyway i still think it was more of placebo than actual effect but who knows.

Tim Hall

no idea how you measure it..less weight is easier to move so it will respond to less effort..makingit feel more responsive..
ie half a barrow load of stone goes up a plank easier than a full one..But you will need to make more trips to move the stone...
If you get a younger person to push the will feel less tired and more responsive to the wife when she gets in..

im losing this one
Drifting Off Topic, but hey. As you push the barrow of stones up the hill again and again, you get fitter , so it gets easier. That punishment Sisyphus had wasn't that much of a punishment after all.


mr poopmechanic
so im after my work lap and managed to beat my record and increase the average by 1mph, not sure if it was just for today, ill surely gather more data :smile:
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