Finally decided to do something mid December as I was sick and tired of eating rubbish and my fitness levels had got to a ridiculous poor level. Also for the last 7 - 8 months my cycling mojo just was not there and I was not enjoying being out on 2 wheels.
At 5'7" my BMI was at horrific levels
20.12.10 260 lbs = 118 Kgs
I started going to the gym 5 mornings a week (PT class based) and so far only missed 1 session this year, changed my diet big style cutting out 99% of the rubbish processed crap, and this week have got out on my bike 3 times and really enjoyed it.
Weigh in 03.03.11 249 lbs = 113 kgs
I don't think I have felt this motivated for years and when the clocks change I will be adding in cycling to the gym 3 times a week as well.