Weight Watcher's Thread

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New Member
Needs must, i'm going on the Atkins from tomorrow, I have read up on it and I think not only is it a quick way to kick start weight loss but it has had a lot of bad press which has not been supported by scientific evidence .

I purchased the Atkins book some weeks back, and i've also seen the bad press. And how Atkins was up before the High courts and medical boards because of people running round like headless chickens saying that he is wrong, and he won his case and it proved his theroy was right.

The Akins diet does make sense when you break it down. It's a way if resetting your body to use food for fuel,removing excess fat and what foods are
better for your body to use for fuel.

There are alot of diets on the net but they all seem to revolve around the Atkins.

I do miss bread and potatoes (never been a pasta lover) but as long as you have enough imagination to use when your cooking it's fine.

The Jogger

Legendary Member
I purchased the Atkins book some weeks back, and i've also seen the bad press. And how Atkins was up before the High courts and medical boards because of people running round like headless chickens saying that he is wrong, and he won his case and it proved his theroy was right.

The Akins diet does make sense when you break it down. It's a way if resetting your body to use food for fuel,removing excess fat and what foods are
better for your body to use for fuel.

There are alot of diets on the net but they all seem to revolve around the Atkins.

I do miss bread and potatoes (never been a pasta lover) but as long as you have enough imagination to use when your cooking it's fine.

Thanks Bluenite, I had my last desert tonight, bacon and eggs in the morning for breakfast, I will also miss the bread. How is your weight loss going?


New Member
I lost half a stone YAY also started exercising with weights at home on a regular basis. I wouldn't say that it was hard starting the diet just awakward with
trying to learn new eating habits. I'm going to be 41 this year and i want the body that i had when i was 20 for my birthday(not much to ask).

The hard bit is remembering all the food you need to avoid when your shopping. Good luck Jogger.

PS some pepole get the flu for a few days as there body does the big change over, nothing to worry about.


The Jogger

Legendary Member
Started Atkins today, breakfast was mushroom, green pepper and tomato omlette with two slices of grilled smoked bacon.
Starting weight 14st 8


It's a bit more complicated than that...
Well, good luck to you both. You'll need it. Atkins may not be actively harmful in the short run. It may be a good way to lose a small amount of weight quickly. But it's not a sustainable eating strategy for the long term. For that you need a balanced diet and will-power.


New Member
Well, good luck to you both. You'll need it. Atkins may not be actively harmful in the short run. It may be a good way to lose a small amount of weight quickly. But it's not a sustainable eating strategy for the long term. For that you need a balanced diet and will-power.

Have you read the book?


In between here and there
I raise your links with this one, http://www.worldfitness.org/low-carb-diet-problems.html

what you are forcing your body to do is effectively "bonk" in cycling terms or hit the "wall" in running terms just to do day to day things which is not how your body was designed to operate, the short term weight loss will be fluid & muscle. In my 30's doing a bit weight lifting I used to use http://www.valuemed.co.uk/acatalog/info_3_157.html to see if I was over doing the cutting or under eating, but you will be overjoyed to get a positive which for me is scary!

It is a fact that fat is the energy source of last resort for the body, hence a lot of intial weight loss will be muscle, less muscle means you can consume less calories before fat storage. Classic yo-yo diet effect.

Also assuming you cycle, expect early and extreme fatigue.

Ultimately in the words of the Big Yin the ultimate diet is "eat less, move more" But add eat healthy.


New Member
Kick starting your body to use stored fat as fuel is a good thing, especially if one has excess fat. Once your body starts buring excess fat mixed in with
regular exercise weight starts to be lost from fat and muscle is built.

Ketosis is not a scary thing, and only lasts for the first phase.

If you read the book and do research, like i did before venturing into the diet you would know about the phases and what will happen to your body.

I think of it as reprogramming my body and mind. And as for hiting the wall, well i havent, nor have i experienced fatigue. I cycle 100miles a week and do 12hr shifts. I also ride for fun lift weights and look after eight boys and i'm still alive.

What i thought was healthy is aparently not. Atkins works for me as well as a heck of a lot of other people in the world.


Just about surviving
The Cambridge diet also uses ketosis as a way of kickstarting your weight loss. I found it only a problem for the first couple of days then the hunger went. The first steps of the Cambridge (sole source) for a guy is only 550 K/cal. And for women 450.

GF and I have been on it since Jan 2nd and have lost 40lb according to our consultant (2st 12lb each) for both of us. That is after a weekend down in the smoke (last weekend) when we had a couple of bottles of wine and some meals out.
Ketosis is nothing to be scared off we were told it might be difficult and we might feel rough up to day 3 but didn't. It just means that you don't feel hungry but burn off fat. Our consultant told us that we could have stayed on the sole source for 14 weeks if we needed to but we did only for 3 weeks. It wasn't difficult but it was boring as the Cambridge diet is having only 4 products (powdered soups/shakes/porridges and ready to drink shakes) for men and 3 for women a day (a product is about 150K/cal) and I missed food.

Now we are on step 3 which is 1000K/cal. If you look at my Sports Tracker you will see that I am burning about 2000K/cal per ride so am still burning the weight off.

As Gaz says "Eat a little less, move a little more".


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It's a bit more complicated than that...
With respect, 1000 calories a day isn't "eating a little less", and multi-hour rides isn't "moving a little more". And drinking milkshakes twice a day teache you nothing about eating other than how to drink milkshakes twice a day.

Assuming that graph is in pounds, that weight loss (3.5 pounds per week on average?) is rather extreme. Hardly surprising you're "just about surviving".


Before going on Atkins, or any shake-based diet, or any diet that costs you £40 a week, or any diet that involves pseudo-science, you should take a step back and ask yourself one question:

Does this seem like a sensible and sustainable way to lose weight?


Just about surviving
With respect, 100 calories a day isn't "eating a little less", and multi-hour rides isn't "moving a little more". And drinking milkshakes twice a day teache you nothing about eating other than how to drink milkshakes twice a day.

Assuming that graph is in pounds, that weight loss (3.5 pounds per week on average?) is rather extreme. Hardly surprising you're "just about surviving".

550 calories a day. I know my distances are not great at the moment but I aim to increase when the clocks change and I have more daylight hours after work or days off.
(Before anyone mentions commuting, I'm a supply teacher and may get a phone call and just enough time to get to a school by driving. On Friday I did get a days notice but had 45 miles to get to school, 90 miles round trip).
The shakes are to give the Vitamins and Minerals you need per day.
The "Just about surviving" has been there over a year and nothing to do with the diet.
And yes the graph is lb's but 3.5lb's seems comfortable.


It's a bit more complicated than that...
1000 is what I meant. And I'm deeply sceptical about a one-hour ride being 2000 calories.

Best advice or sustainale weight loss is about 2 lbs a week maximum - more only if you're seriously overweight. At only 190lbs (that's only 13.5 stone, for heaven's sake) you're not seriously overweight.


Just about surviving
Before I started on the diet I was 16st 2lb. At 5' 10" I was in the obese BMI region with a BMI of 32 now at 26 so still over weight but getting there. If some think it's too fast so I might yo-yo back, all I can say is, I hope not and will try to keep it off.


Proud Daddy
These stories about 1000 cal a day diets scare me.

I've lost just over 2 stone so far by CHANGING my lifestyle perminintly. Diets are tempory. You need to change how you live. For me it's about getting healthy, not loosing edit. The weights come off as a bi-product.
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