lanternerouge said:
Awesome MIke, am same height as you and well over 14 st... just started back out on my bike again. Any tips?
Thanks! I normally ride at least 5 miles a day everyday, and weekends I try to get a 30mile ride on the saturday and a 15 mile ride on the sunday. I have a gym membership but I hate cycling to get nowhere so on the rare occasion that I go (probably once a month!) I focus on upper body with weights etc.
I find that the weekend rides are perfect because my mind is taken off food, and I can get back home and not feel hungry - its the days where I do nothing that are most difficult because I eat out of boredom, so I try to fill the time or get on the bike if Im hungry / bored.
Monday to Friday I commute 3 miles each way, and have for lunch:
Pasta & Tuna & Salad, or cheese sarnie, or chicken and rice. Plus I have a cheeky packet of crisps (I reckon if I cut that out it would make a difference), and a breakfast bar (alpen strawberry & yoghurt). I drink water instead of a fizzy drink at lunch, and have a coffee on the morning and a hot chocolate on the afternoon at work.
When I get home I often go back out and rack up some extra miles on the bike, usually an extra 5-10miles. Then Ill have a slightly smaller portion of food than I used to have eg spag bol. I try to avoid snacking but if I feel the urge Ill have a cereal bar instead of chocolate or crisps.
Looking on the web at the calorie calculators and adding up the labels myself I reckon I take about 2000 to 2500 cals a day. Before I started I was able to easily clear my plate and my fiancee's left overs when we went out - now its me leaving left overs

My main reasons to losing weight were:
- I could see it was increasing steadily and something needed to be done to stop it getting to the point of no / difficult return.
- I wanted to increase my present fitness, as I got out of breath easily and having back problems I guessed it would be less strain on it if I lost a bit of bulge.
- Appearance, yes it isnt everything but I wasnt happy with the "wobbly bits" and wanted to get to a weight that I was happy with before returning to university this summer after being away for a year. I tried this over a summer a couple of years ago but failed because I didnt commit to the exercise and diet, and probably set myself too soon of a deadline. This time I was determined to do it.
Im sure you'll do well, its just a case of sticking at it and finding something that works for you.