I weighed today. It was supposed to be yesterday but I couldn't find my seeing specs and by the time I had found them I had already had a coffee and my breakfast shake as I was hungry. Plus a large glass of water. I thought that I would leave it until today when Hubster can read the little lines on the scales, which I am sure are getting smaller as I get a little older.
I lost 2kg last week so now bob on 78kg. My inner parsnip is definitely coming out to see the world this year.
The funny thing is that my palette is changing. 4 weeks ago I liked the hazlenut flavour shake and now I think it tastes like the bottom of an ashtray. I made up a spoonful of Beanies Ameretto coffee with a little hot water (espresso sized cup) and added it to the shake, and some additional ice and whizzed it up in my Breville Active blender thing and it's now gorgeous. Ameretto coffee and hazlenut thick shake for breakfast with a bit of added
This ketosis malarkey is a funny thing. I feel cold a lot. A jumper and a cup of ginger/mint/licorice tea (not at the same time) generally sorts it out. On the upside, my hot flushes are as rare as hen's teeth now, which is pretty darned awesome, let me tell you. The Exante diet is very restrictive being food packs - rather space age really, plus a up to 200 calorie meal of protein and no more than 5g of carbs (watercress is wonderful, as is peeled cucumber) but it's really working well for me and I've settled in to the food routine. I have lots of choice within the restrictions, so not bored with the food at all. I'm not missing bread now, nor chocolate, or crisps.
I am considering buying some size 12 jeans and seeing how long it takes to slim into them. Actually I think that will be my 7lb non food treat this time. Or I might go and buy another Eric Johnson CD. Decisions decisions.