Guys, I just thought I'd share with you that I'm there!
I'm not really sure I set a specific weight goal, it was more a body fat percentage, or not even that so much as a desire to have a six pack.
I started off at 16 stone or around 100 kilos late 2005' aged 35. Took around 3 years to lose 3 stone. Since then my goal has been more about body composition, but recently I've been down to around 12 and a half stone, or 80 kilos. That's pretty much my lowest weight since I've been fully grown (I'm 6'1, 185 cm).
Today I'm 77 kilos and starting to feel I don't really want to drop any more weight! May start to focus on building more muscle mass.
But the point I'd like to make us that I'm not consciously dieting. I've just changed my diet, to minimise carbs from starchy sources, and as much as possible avoid refined carbs and sugars. It's not tough, and I'm never hungry.
So anyway, good luck to all who are on the journey, you can get there and it is worth it! I've never been fitter faster or stronger, I reckon I've reduced my biological age by at least 20 years, and will live much longer too.
If I can do it anybody can!