When I got home I was thinking "I'm not going to do that again", but now, hmm, maybe - let's see if I can get some weight off first."
That's what I said the day after I finished last year's Liverpool-Chester-Liverpool 100 mile ride (in aid of Claire House Hospice), and I'm rebooting this thread because, yep, I'm going for it again. This year it is on 1 July.
I won't be held back from doing enough miles as I was last year, and after laying up my bikes in late October (for various reasons, not
only because I'm a fair-weather cyclist wimp), I've got them out, adjusted, cleaned, and January is already off to a reasonable start. Three short rides in the past two weeks add up to 40 miles, which isn't record-breaking, but it's ahead of where I was this time last year.
On the weight front I'm 96kg at the moment, 3kg less than last July, and I'm targeting a weight of 85kg by the day of the ride. That's a loss rate of pretty much exactly 0.5kg per week, which should be comfortably achievable.
I intend to get out and do a decent length ride every weekend when the weather is good enough, and also try to get in some shorter weekday afternoon/evening rides when weather and light permit (and it's nice that daylight is already noticeably lengthening).
I finished my day's work yesterday (I work at home on a computer) at around 15:00, saw the weather was really nice (clear sky, mild temperature, if a bit windy) and that the BBC forecast suggested a couple more hours of the same, so I went out on the MTB towards the nearest woods (which shielded me from the wind) and managed 14 miles. Very enjoyable, and more rides like that whenever I can should make a significant difference.
I've also signed up to my local gym (it's 15 minutes walk away, and I can get off-peak membership for £20 per month - which will reduce in September when I reach 60). Because of my heart op back in 2007 I had to get my doc's approval first, and he checked me out and reckons everything is fine and enthusiastically supports it. He's a cyclist too, and he's very much behind cycling as a general means of exercise.
The gym is really for days when it's too cold, wet or windy to want to go out cycling, when spending a free hour or so on the machines should be a big help. I have an elliptical trainer at home which I've used a lot and like, but it was a cheap one and is close to worn out now - the ones at the gym are obviously far superior, and they also have rowing machines, steppers, treadmills, exercise bikes... all of which are good for cardiovascular workouts and general aerobic fitness.
Anyway, the support and encouragement from the fine folk here really helped last year, and I'm really hoping to finish it this year with a lot less pain by the end! (And the more people I tell, the more committed I'll be and the harder it would be to back out
