Weight loss - diet change needed?

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Proud Daddy
Maybe that diet post wasn't a good idea. That day was atypical as I cycled a stupid amount of miles that day. I suppose I should eat less junk (McD's) and try to include more fruit and veg, I probably rarely meet my 5 a day but most days I include at least a couple of portions.

I guess I have over-estimated what is a healthy weight for my height and it seems that I am dot on what I should be at 5' 7".

Legs this week have been dead and averages have been down to under 14mph but after a rest day yesterday I feel a lot better riding home. Tops of thighs still a little sore under exertion but feel less like dead weight. A 17mph average home today although still with a massive sweat on!

It's not the amount your eating.. It's what your eating. All that rubbish and junk will give you very little of what you need for fuel. And you'll struggle to recover after any decent ride.

Any riding your doing will be pointless with that intake.


You have the diet of an obese couch potato. You should think yourself lucky that you're not 20 stone. So you may be a healthy weight and active, but you're doing your body no favours by fuelling it with garbage.

If you are REALLY eating as much as you claim and still losing weight then I'd agree with others that a trip to your GP would be a good idea. FWIW you're probably only burning about 500kCal a day through your standard ride to/from work.


Proud Daddy
Ive had to significantly change my diet in order to fuel myself properly. I still dont have it right but I think Im getting there.
  • (large bowl) porridge and a cup of green tea
  • granola bar
  • apple and a banana
  • salad bowl from work canteen (rice or pasta with pulse salad, cucumber, carrot or whatever else there is)
  • bag of mixed fruit from work canteen
  • maybe a packet of hula hoops if Im in need of something unhealthy
  • few hobnobs and a cup of green tea when I get in
  • uncle bens express steamed rice and chicken. If extra hungry Ill throw a tin of baked beans in it (try it, its not as mad as it sounds)
  • Ill pick at fruit in the evening, typically blueberrys, strawberys, raspberrys and grapes
  • a few cups of green tea
I ride 10 miles every day in the week, 40-70 at w/e

And I still plateaux my weight!


Legendary Member
Somewhere flat
You don't get to eat much of it - because it has so many calories?


Rainbows aren't just for world champions
Northern Ireland
You don't get to eat much of it - because it has so many calories?
That's really not a valid reason.

You can quite happily eat
Smaller portions of calorie dense foods
Larger portions of non calorie dense foods
Mixture of both

The important part is you eat enough overall. That also goes for 3 meals a day or 5-6-7-8-9-10 whatever it is,however it is you get the calories in.


Legendary Member
Somewhere flat
Well, IMHO bread and spuds are ok but not very good value in the calorie / hunger quelling stakes. They have their place but cutting down has been helpful, for me at least.


Nr Cambridge
OP's diet is crap basically.

Fruit, veg, nuts, dried fruit, brown bread, bran flakes, oats, yoghurt, lots of water, soups, potatoes, pasta, lean meat and fish is what you should be eating.

No sh1t such as McDs, pies, chips, crisps, ready meals, pizza, deep fried stuff, choclit, lattes, cupuccinos, supersize Cokes. This is why your legs feel dead all the time. You may well be diabetic.

Cycling 7 miles is nothing. If you were cycling 50-60 miles a day everyday, this would need a small fridge of food to supply your everyday intake.
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