Erm, well I haven't checked that in a way that means I can give you a figure.
What I can tell you is that if I put the bathroom scales in the centre of the bathroom, I weigh 75 kg. If I put them near the door, I weigh nearer 70kg.
My bathromm scales (about £15 from Argos, I think) have a thin pressed steel case. I suspect that the compression springs inside bear on the bottom of the casing. On the underside are rubber feet, 10mm or so tall. I suspect that on a level bit of floor, the bottom of the case deforms under my weight pressing on the springs, making it appear that I weigh less. On a slighty domed bit of floor, the floor supports the casing between the feet, stopping it bowing and making it look like I weigh more.
Which of those two weights I really do weigh I don't know, because (a) we don't have a balance in the lab that will accurately weigh anything over a 50kg, and (

I'm not planning to strip off and weigh myself there anyway.
What I'm getting at is that these scales at least are pretty crude mechanically, and I don't have much faith in them. Possibly sturdier scales would be more accurate.
However, my suspicions of the cause of the innaccuracy of my bathroom scales weren't going to be much help if it came to an argument with a stroppy airline check-in person. Hence purchase of gadget.
It said that my Brommie and its B-bag weighed 15kg exactly, and that's what the luggage balances at both Leeds and Dublin airports said too.
It's been quite enlightening finding out what my bikes weigh.
And depressing...