Weedless gravel paths and recycling existing weed invested gravel?

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The difference is largely due to it being formulated for home use. The agricultural version was/is mixed down by the user to 200ml per 4 gallon knapsack sprayer. The home use version may contain 10ml for the same volume of water.
I did my own drive and neighbours, whilst she was on holiday having taken the dogs with her. Both still weed free five years later.

@Time Waster, you want the active ingredient from Agent Orange, try bleached coffee filter papers as suggested above. Many contain unsafe, sometimes leathal amounts of the active ingredient.

I might try this one then. I have the stones with the weeds growing on top of the membrane in whatever dirt has accumalated on top of it, will try to treat the entire areaI think.


Leg End Member
I might try this one then. I have the stones with the weeds growing on top of the membrane in whatever dirt has accumalated on top of it, will try to treat the entire areaI think.
If you do, be sure to inform your neighbours before using it.
Small pressure sprayer, 5-10 litres, available from most garden centres, in place of a knapsack sprayer.

Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
@Time Waster I do a lot of community garden plus I have a large garden myself.
My suggestion is to remove the stones, wash them, reuse them.
Do it in stages, make a barrier with a piece of wood or similar to isolate an area to work on.
The membrane underneath weed it as best as you can, then cover with a thick layer of cardboard, making sure to overlap it so that the weeds do not get light.
Then put the clean stones on top, add more stones if needed.
You need to wet the cardboard before adding the stones, or let it get rained on.
Lots of cardboard can be had for free from local shops, recycling skips or bins.
You will have to take any plastic labels/tape off them, only Amazon boxes are totally biodegradable, no need to take the tape off.
You can also buy rolls of cardboard or jute membrane, available from the usual retailers: much less faff but at a cost.
In 2020 I de-weeded a large area this way, but I used wood chips on top of the cardboard.
The first weeds started to emerge last year, no bad.
Weeds will always come back, self seeding :sad:
I had one of those compost bulk bags in the same place for a year, pots and other garden stuff on top.
Some weeds were happily growing through it!
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