If you have plants you want to keep you could have problems Otherwise path clear is as good as any.If you do want to plant the beds look for one that is neutralised when it comes into contact with the soil Alternative s, cover with black polythene .it starves the weeds of lights If you do not intend planting add another two inches of gravel which will inhibit growth and make removing by hand easier Deep rooted weeds such as Dandelion if not removed when they are small can be a problem
There are available touch weed killers a bit like an under arm deodorant you could use on individual weeds
I made two alpine gravel beds.Laid a porous membrane , cut slots to plant through then covered with gravel.
That could be an alternative for you.Spray the weeds .Cover with membrane and lay fresh gravel.
A lot depends on what you want to do with the beds
Don't use a membrane. That isolates the soil from any future replenishment of organic matter.
100mm of gravel works well by allows worm action.