Leg End Member
Technically speaking the first fatality from a driverless car has yet to happen. This due to the simple fact that a human driver is still required behind the wheel, with the driver reacting before the car decided to "act".Hi @Phaeton, there is quite a good article here which explains why that's quite difficult to calculate:
Tesla themselves report that 1 death in 325 million miles traveled for a "driverless equipped vehicle" vs 1 in 86 million miles for ordinary vehicles. The article above goes into some detail as to why the comparison is not really valid, but still estimates that autopilot has 35% lower crash rates than a human. It is still a fact though that every death due to a driverless car has been reported internationally, and can be listed on one very short wikipedia page.
I have found no statistical evidence to back up the assertion that humans with two eyes, two ears and poor reaction times are better at driving than an AI which has many sensors and far superior reaction times. AI doesn't get drunk, or angry, or upset. It follows the rules it is given. The biggest risk is hacking.
The resulting two actions led to the pedestrian being hit.