Fed up of the weather, gave up my gym membership in December because they tried to put my fees up. One of my colleagues is a pretty hot TT specialist and he swears by a Watt bike. So I went along today, paid a cash session and gave one a try. Setup was very fiddly, took me a while to get the hang of it, but in the end I did quite a good session.
One of the things it does is compare legs and it's showing me at 55% left leg, 45% right. I'm a bit taken aback by that. If I get any pain it's usually my left leg, and that might be why? So should I try to change the balance or should I just see it as one of those things and concentrate on improving my power rather than worrying about it?
One of the things it does is compare legs and it's showing me at 55% left leg, 45% right. I'm a bit taken aback by that. If I get any pain it's usually my left leg, and that might be why? So should I try to change the balance or should I just see it as one of those things and concentrate on improving my power rather than worrying about it?