My eyes have been streaming when outdoors for quite a few years now, just going outside will set them off. It's a real pain, as the drops run down your cheeks, make you look like you're crying and it's easy to end up with panda eyes from smeared mascara. One eye is worse than the other.
It was diagnosed as 'dry eyes' (helpfully working for an emergency eye clinic at the time) and it's just part of the process of getting old I'm told

. The viscous fluid on the surface of the eyes becomes thinner as you age, and the tears then have nothing to adhere to on the eyeball and therefore run over the lower eye lid, instead of draining away naturally.
Strangely, when on the bike it doesn't bother me as much. They still water but I think the tears evaporate or dry up quickly, before they have chance to run down my face...............obviously I must be going at some speed to cause this strange anomaly
My hubby gets the runny nose whenever he's outside so at least we can commiserate with each other........