I don't agree that the "
Montane Featherlite Velo" is a "very good jacket"
It packs to the size of an apple - true
It is available in the colour blue - true
Cheap - true ( not good value for money however )
Waterproof - sadly not. Will resist moderate rain for 10 minutes
Windproof - not particularly. Acts as some kind of barrier but doesn't really block windchill
I have 3 coats. They all were expensive ( over 100 quid ). They are all waterproof (to a great extent) and windproof
The Paramo Velez is the most expensive, the most waterproof but a bit on the warm side for a bike. Very breathable however. Too big to back in a jersey pocket
The Montane Stormrider is almost as water proof, more breathable and not so warm. Might just about fit in a jersey pocket. The two drawbacks are 1) it isn't made anymore 2) some of the details aren't great- the side pockets fill with water for example
The Gore Oxygen IV is tiny, about 1.5 times the size of a Featherlite when packed. It is not as waterproof as a Velez but is perfectly fine for extremely wet conditions. It is "race cut"