Chief Broom
I live in a holiday type wood cabin and when i come back from a ride i like to sit on the veranda for a while to cool down...
All fine and dandy except i didnt know that wasps had made a home in my attic and i was sat directly in front of there entry stung. I was going to go on the offensive but then realised i havent seen any spiders about for a while and reckon the wasps have eaten them or they've just legged it. I hate *****spiders with there horrid athletic nimbleness as they race across the living room or suddenly appear on the bathroom's im leaving the wasps alone [unless they attack in numbers] for the mo and look forward to a [mainly] spider free autumn
All fine and dandy except i didnt know that wasps had made a home in my attic and i was sat directly in front of there entry stung. I was going to go on the offensive but then realised i havent seen any spiders about for a while and reckon the wasps have eaten them or they've just legged it. I hate *****spiders with there horrid athletic nimbleness as they race across the living room or suddenly appear on the bathroom's im leaving the wasps alone [unless they attack in numbers] for the mo and look forward to a [mainly] spider free autumn